1963 Saab Sport | 1965 Van Den Plas 4 Litre "R" |
1967 Ford Cortina Crayford Convertible | 1970 Landrover Series 2A 109" Safari |
1974 Saab 95 V4 | 1978 Saab 99 GL |
1978 Pontiac Transam 6.6 | 1984 Ford Sierra XR4i |
1984 Saab 900 GLs | 1986 Saab 900 Turbo 8 Valve 3 Door |
1989 9000i 16 Valve S | 1990 Saab 9000 CD Carlsson |
1988 Citroen CX 22 Familiale | 1990 Saab 900 Turbo 16 Valve S Convertible |
Also owned but not listed/shown on this page are: | |
1967 Ford Cortina MK 2 1500 GT | 1972 Rover P6 3500 S |
1981 Ford Escort 1.1L | 1984 Ford Escort 1.6 Laser |
1987 Saab 900 Turbo 8v 3 Door | 1989 Citroen XM 2.0 SEi |
A visual list of the cars in my collection in order of production year:
I've used dolomite sand for the roof and bonnet down to the swage line and the original sienna brown below that. As pictured, a new rad, heater valve, brake discs, pads and shoes have been fitted. The next step was to refit the wings and bumpers then fit a tow bar ready for the N.L.C. 3,800 miles later we arrived home safe and sound albeit with a different gearbox to the one we left home with! Since then the 95 has performed faultlessly - doubling up as every-day transport when the 9000 is off the road for any reason or if Val needs to go out. the next job to tackle is the interior. As is usual with all V4's the effect of sunlight on the Front Seat fabric has caused it to fade and rot. The trim colour is, I believe, "Lion Brown" - a very orangey brown colour with Chocolate vinyl panels.; not so easy to find so again if any one knows where a set can be found please let me know. Thanks! |
Here's the 95 after having successfully completed the Northern Lights Challenge. See the item on the menu to the left of the screen for full details. Complete with the front and rear screen identification stickers (see top of front screen) |
JYA 579 T - Our 99
GL was in regular use
as my wife's daily transport for shopping, school etc. The body is in the
usual state for a 99 that has not been touched from new, i.e. tatty!
This will be attended to now we are back from Norway/Sweden. I'll
add another photo when this work is completed. However the car drives
and handles very well; just a constant drone/rumble from the front (on
the centre-line by the sound of it - maybe the front engine/trans mount?).
Really the biggest problem is the infamous headlining droop - when the wife
is driving it virtually obscures the rear-view mirror. Any suggestions
on curing this will be gratefully received. The car is now off the
road due to the weird noises, body rot, battery not holding the charge and the
fact Val can't see what's behind her due to the headlining droop
E 371 DTW -
Newest addition to the fleet. The CX doubles as Vals
run-about and the tow-tug for our caravan. Any see
anything at all funny ina 4ft 11inches tall wife using the UK's biggest
ever made estate as a run-about?? |
Rear view of the CX - note that
the tow bar and electrics had not been fitted at this stage. When the firm came to fit the tow bar he found masses of corrosion under the bumper area. Fortunately he found alternate mount points. Beside the CX you can see part of the caravan she will be towing and in the background the Landrover she will replace. UPDATE!! We've now had our first holiday in the CX and she towed the caravan like a dream - fun to drive too. Very good for freaking people out when they see the front suddenly rise as the selector gets slide to max :-). |
The following cars are ones we have owned but that are, for one reason or another, no longer in the family. Please feel free to take a trip down our memory lane!!! |
NMU 546 E - The Crayford is pictured prior to the Auto box engaging on the drive
at 2500Revs/min and demolishing the first four foot of the garage! Since
then it was sent to an allegedly professional restorer who had it shot-blasted
then left the shell in bare metal for over a year. |
Will it all fit in the boot only??????? | |
Looks like its all going to go in!!
Yep - it all went in.- now that's what you call a boot! |
C 415 CAT - This 1986 900 Turbo 8v replaced Val's much loved '84 900 GLs after the accident. It's hard to tell from the photo but its actually a Rose Quartz with Burgundy interior. A very competent and reliable car although not as fast as D 265 ARD, my own ' 86 Black 900 Turbo 8v that was sold when the DVLC at Swansea revoked by driving license for 2 years. The C-Cat served us well for a number of years before being sold to a friend to let us get a 4-door 9000 so that Val could run her mum around after she had had a stroke. |
The CAT is seen here during our first venture into camping with a frame tent!! Once again the load-carrying capacity of the 900 is demonstrated by the fact all our kit went into the car + a small trailer. The friends we went with had to use his works Renault van!!!! (Seen to rear of picture above) |